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Coming soon : a 3D search engine with a polyphase matrix - 2025

A new semantic search algorithm using hexadecimal sequences for watchmaker precision

Resulting from very long research work, Apeepi will allow you to explore the world of internet searches with a new vision

Artilisa, Apeepi, 3D search engine, Artiheba, Sumerian Blog, Matrix forum, Naos, Zaüber Store, Mesopotamia, Vertex, Atrax, Parallax, ⊆bteos, Vectors, Matrix, Green code, Home, Artilisa, Apeepi, 3D search engine, Artiheba, Sumerian Blog, Matrix forum, Naos, Zaüber Store, Mesopotamia, Vertex, Atrax, Parallax, ⊆bteos, Vectors, Matrix, Green code, Home
3D search engine
A polyphase storage matrix
A single server system allowing a very significant reduction in search queries
Search precision using metric and semantic convergence through iteration
A hexadecimal semantic analysis of the content referenced by our robots for refined precision